Crystall for fan coils

All models and versions of the Carisma and SkyStar fancoil unit are available with the exclusive patented Crystal electronic air filter. The adoption of an electronic air filter is based on the need to combine air conditioning and air purification function in a single device. In particular, the following pollutants are eliminated from the air: cigarette smoke, dust, fibbers, microbiological substances including bacteria, fungi, etc., all hazardous to human health.Improved indoor air quality also reduces the need for rooms to be aired, resulting in lower consumption.Choosing to purify the air with Crystall air filter will not have any impact on the size of the living space, because the dimensions of the coil unit remain basically unchanged (only 8 cm more in height for Carisma and 3cm for SkyStar).

Advantages and features:

  • Effective maintenance;
  • Can be easily washed;
  • During the spring and autumn, the device functions simply as an air purifier.